Let’s me introduce myself.
Who am I?
I'm wachirawit wacharak. You can call me Ice. I'm studying at Kasetsart University and my major is computer engineering.
What am I interested?
I am interested in software development because I want to create some cool software, framework, or library. I have plans to do it but I need more knowledge about software design and others
Why do I create this website?
I create this website for 2 reasons. First, I want to provide my article here because I usually write articles to improve my knowledge. Second I want to show you my profile and my experience.
What can I do?
I am good at web technology both frontend, backend, and database design. I also have some experience with Java, Go, and Hardware development (Actually, it's my senior project).
I’ll tell you what I have done in my life.
HeroCraft Network
I start to create minecreaft server with my friends. I have chance to develop plugin and use command line on linux server.
I open facebook page so people could hire me to develop Minecraft plugin.
Going to the University
I go to the university so I have to close the minecraft server and facebook page.
Barcamp Bangken
I volunteer to create a website for an event called Barcamp Bangken. It's an event that allows everyone to do a talk to share their knowledge and experience.
KU Korean
I was hired by a professor of faculty of humanities to create a website for online korean language studying. It's my first large scale web application that I create. I design and develop whole system such as frontend, backend, database, and deployment.
Abacuz Developer Group
I run a club at university with my friends. It is for people from any faculty to share thier knowledge and do some software togeter.
Web For Fun
It is the first hackathon of Abacuz Developer Group. It is an event that people will develop a website with their team in 2 days. Moreover, They can do a talk to share their knowledge with others at any time.
Intern at Innovative Software Consulting
I was an intern as a software engineer. I have the chance to use many tools such as Golang, Spring framework, Android, etc. I was appointed to create a queueing software and notification react native library
Senior project
I create specific arcitecture hardware for neural network algoritm so that is why I also have some an experience to develop hardware.